Unlike Android phones Android TV devices offer less customization. Even default TV launcher does not allow users to change wallpaper on some Android TV boxes. How to pass those limits and experience best Android TV launcher. There are lots of Android TV launchers out there. Please note that TV launchers are updating to meet new user requirements. So best TV launcher today will not the be the best on tomorrow.
There are two main popular TV launchers that many use as default launcher on their Android TV. They are leanback launcher and ATV launcher. For me ATV launcher was the best out of all TV launchers. It is because this TV launcher is clean and nice. So easy to use. No unwanted animations that slow you down.
ATV Launcher for Android TV
The best TV launcher you can have for Android TV is ATV launcher. Feel free to leave your favorite TV launcher name on comments. So others who read this article will know your opinions too. ATV launcher has free and premium version. However free version is more than enough for many TV users. If you want to decide which version to go with I will summarize free and premium version features below this article.
Features of ATV launcher Free
There are many features of this app. Below mention only the main and important features only.
– Support widgets like your smart phone.
– You can customize game controller D-Pad for optimize navigation experience.
– You can customize app tiles. For example you can change color, image, transparency and etc.
– Can change background wallpaper.
Features of ATV launcher Pro
Below listed the features you can see only on ATV launcher pro.
– Free version has fixed app layout. In pro version you can customize that layout to have 3 or 4 rows or etc.
– You can create folders like your Android phone.
– Can show / hide those folders
– You can password protect those folders
– You can hide applications
– Does not have advertisements.
Download best Android TV launcher
This TV launcher available on Google play store. Open Play store application and search “ATV launcher” or you can use Google voice and say “ATV launcher”. Download and install free version and experience those features.

If you does not have Google Play Store or unable to find this app on Play Store you can use Filelinked to download this TV launcher. If you have Filelinked installed on your Android TV use below Filelinked code to access official Filelinked Store.
Filelinked code for best Android TV launcher: 11111111
Once you inside above filelinked store search “ATV”. There you can see ATV launcher.
One of the recommended Android TV launcher.